Information about PVpharm

CreaciĂłn del Aula de Farmacovigilancia PVpharm – UGR

  • Post published:October 26, 2023

El martes 24-10-2023 tuvo lugar en el Rectorado de la Universidad, la firma  Aula de Farmacovigilancia UGR & PVPharm, un espacio dedicado a incrementar el conocimiento y aprendizaje sobre Farmacovigilancia y la Industria FarmacĂ©utica. Al acto de firma acudieron entre otros el Sr. Rector MagnĂ­fico de la Universidad, D. Pedro Mercado Pacheco, el CEO y fundador de PVPharm, D. JosĂ© Alberto Ayala Ortiz, y el Sr. Decano de la Facultad,. D. Manuel Sánchez Polo. El objetivo general de la presente colaboraciĂłn entre PVpharm y la UGR es apoyar la realizaciĂłn de actividades de formaciĂłn y difusiĂłn en el ámbito de la…

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PVpharm participates in the 2023 European Researchers’ Night
Noche de los Investigadores 2023, PVpharm

PVpharm participates in the 2023 European Researchers’ Night

  • Post published:September 30, 2023

The European Researchers' Night is a Europe-wide public event, which displays the diversity of science and its impact on citizens' daily lives in fun, inspiring ways. This year, the event will take place in 26 countries on Friday 29 September 2022. The European Researchers' Night aims to: -bring research and researchers closer to the public-promote excellent research projects across Europe and beyond-increase the interest of young people in science and research careers-showcase the impact of researchers’ work on people’s daily lives The European Researchers’ Night attracts each year more than 1 million visitors in Europe and beyond. Researcher's Night 2023…

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José Alberto Ayala Ortiz selected as one of the top ten CEOs of 2023

  • Post published:August 22, 2023

We are very glad to announce that JosĂ© Alberto Ayala Ortiz has been selected as one of the top ten CEOs of 2023. Industry Tech Outlook has chosen JosĂ©, a full article has been issued at the magazine website, it can be found here: Being the CEO of PVpharm, JosĂ© is a visionary and inspirational leader. He sets a clear direction for the organization's future while motivating and uniting the organization. José’s leadership drives growth, innovation, and success, creating a positive work environment, attracting top talent, and building solid stakeholder relationships. The company has been growing in business since…

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Meet us in September! at Farmaforum (Madrid) and BIOSPAIN (Barcelona)

  • Post published:August 18, 2023

PVpharm is going to participate in the next events of the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry in Spain. Farmaforum will be held in Madrid from September 19 to 20, and BIOSPAIN will be held in Barcelona from September 26 to 28. Come visit us and let's talk about pharmacovigilance services, safety in clinical trials, audits, quality and many other topics related to drug development. We are looking forward to seeing you!

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Faculty at Signal Management training by DIA June 2023

  • Post published:June 16, 2023

On 12-15 June 2023, JosĂ© Ortiz provided the training faculty for the Signal Management training organized by DIA. This training provides knowledge over Signal Management to the participants, so they can apply the basic concepts and principles of signal detection in pharmacovigilance, from simple visualisation and tabulation methods to sophisticated data mining techniques. • Design the signal management process for institutions and companies of various sizes, portfolios and geographical presence, based on the possibilities and limitations of their data and resources • Understand key messages from the current European and US regulations on signal management, to best manage implications also…

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José Alberto Ayala Ortiz to participate in the AEFI Symposium 2023

  • Post published:June 1, 2023

We are happy to announce that José Alberto Ayala Ortiz, PVpharm's CEO will be participating in one session of the 2023 Pharmacovigilance symposium organized by AEFI. During the session, José will be talking about safety in food or food supplements. Please take a look to the program at this link:

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PVpharm starts a new collaboration with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)

  • Post published:May 22, 2023

We are so excited to announce the new collaboration agreement signed by our company with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) to provide pharmacovigilance and regulatory consulting. IAVI is a nonprofit scientific research organization that develops vaccines and antibodies for HIV, tuberculosis, emerging infectious diseases (including COVID-19), and other neglected diseases, with a clear commitment to develop affordable and accesible solutions to these diseases. In the same way as our collaboration with the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) or with the Center for Human Drug Research (CHDR), PVpharm works to provide pharmacovigilance support in pre-approval phases of the development of innovative drugs. In this agreement, we…

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We are in the press! El Economista

  • Post published:May 9, 2023

PVpharm is in "El Economista" on 9th May 2023, the news diary published an article about PVpharm; where our CEO, José Alberto Ayala Ortiz, introduces our company, explains what pharmacovigilance is and how does PVpharm deal with different regulations. PVpharm is a global reference in Pharmacovigilance: You can follow us on LinkedIn and learn more about us clicking here.

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