Information about PVpharm

Isabella Palagiano to participate as speaker in the AEFI Safety in Clinical Trials Training

  • Post published:February 20, 2024

We are happy to announce that Isabella Palagiano will be participating as speaker in the AEFI Safety in Clinical trials Training. The training will take place on 29th February and 5th March and will be held online, please find more information about the training in the link below: During the 29th, Isabella will be talking about several topics related to ICSRs transmission to Eudravigilance, MHAR and FDA. **PVpharm is also organizing in-house training in pharmacovigilance for pharmaceutical companies and CROs, please contact us for further information.**

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AulaFV UGR – Curso de Introducción a la Farmacovigilancia, 1ª Edición

  • Post published:February 18, 2024

El Aula de Farmacovigilancia PVpharm y la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad de Granada tienen el placer de invitarles a participar en el curso de Introducción a la Farmacovigilancia (1ª Edición), que se celebrará los próximos días 19 y 20 de marzo (martes y miércoles) de 2024, a partir de las 16:30 horas hasta las 18:30 horas. Se trata de un curso on-line destinado a los estudiantes del Grado en Farmacia de las distintas Universidades Españolas y Latinoamericanas, así como a los profesionales farmacéuticos de oficina de farmacia y de la industria, que tiene como objetivo proporcionar los conocimientos,…

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Code of ethics in the use of Artificial Intelligence

  • Post published:January 27, 2024

At PVpharm, we aim to work with pharmaceutical, biotech, and MedTech companies, providing new ideas and making solutions that make health better for everyone. We believe that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can really change the way we do pharmacovigilance, improving our work every day. The large revolution in the implementation of tools that use AI in the day-to-day work of pharmacovigilance is undeniable, but we must keep a critical and analytical eye. That is why at PVpharm we have created a code of ethics for the use of AI to establish guidelines to be followed to ensure a safe, legal, and…

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Defafios actuais de Farmacovigilancia

  • Post published:November 27, 2023

José Alberto Ayala Ortiz, CEO of PVpharm participated in the 1st edition of the Conference organized by OWL Pharma, Desafios Actuais de Farmacovigilancia, held in Lisbon on the 22nd of November 2023. José provided insight about Signal Detection in Pharmacovigilance and the use of EVDAS. Please check OWL Pharma website for more information: **PVpharm is also organizing in-house training in pharmacovigilance for pharmaceutical companies and CROs, please contact us for further information.**

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José Alberto Ayala Ortiz to participate as speaker in the AEFI Pharmacovigilance in Social Networks Training

  • Post published:November 2, 2023

We are happy to announce that José Alberto Ayala Ortiz, PVpharm's CEO will be participating as speaker in the AEFI Pharmacovigilance in Social Networks Training. The training will take place on Monday 6th November from 16:00 to 19:00, please find more information about the training in the link below: During the session, José will be talking about several topics related to Pharmacovigilance and handling of safety related information detected in Social Networks.

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Creación del Aula de Farmacovigilancia PVpharm – UGR

  • Post published:October 26, 2023

El martes 24-10-2023 tuvo lugar en el Rectorado de la Universidad, la firma  Aula de Farmacovigilancia UGR & PVPharm, un espacio dedicado a incrementar el conocimiento y aprendizaje sobre Farmacovigilancia y la Industria Farmacéutica. Al acto de firma acudieron entre otros el Sr. Rector Magnífico de la Universidad, D. Pedro Mercado Pacheco, el CEO y fundador de PVPharm, D. José Alberto Ayala Ortiz, y el Sr. Decano de la Facultad,. D. Manuel Sánchez Polo. El objetivo general de la presente colaboración entre PVpharm y la UGR es apoyar la realización de actividades de formación y difusión en el ámbito de la…

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PVpharm participates in the 2023 European Researchers’ Night
Noche de los Investigadores 2023, PVpharm

PVpharm participates in the 2023 European Researchers’ Night

  • Post published:September 30, 2023

The European Researchers' Night is a Europe-wide public event, which displays the diversity of science and its impact on citizens' daily lives in fun, inspiring ways. This year, the event will take place in 26 countries on Friday 29 September 2022. The European Researchers' Night aims to: -bring research and researchers closer to the public-promote excellent research projects across Europe and beyond-increase the interest of young people in science and research careers-showcase the impact of researchers’ work on people’s daily lives The European Researchers’ Night attracts each year more than 1 million visitors in Europe and beyond. Researcher's Night 2023…

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José Alberto Ayala Ortiz selected as one of the top ten CEOs of 2023

  • Post published:August 22, 2023

We are very glad to announce that José Alberto Ayala Ortiz has been selected as one of the top ten CEOs of 2023. Industry Tech Outlook has chosen José, a full article has been issued at the magazine website, it can be found here: Being the CEO of PVpharm, José is a visionary and inspirational leader. He sets a clear direction for the organization's future while motivating and uniting the organization. José’s leadership drives growth, innovation, and success, creating a positive work environment, attracting top talent, and building solid stakeholder relationships. The company has been growing in business since…

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