VI Edition Barcelona & Online 12-13 May 2025
Pharmacovigilance Training VI Edition, Barcelona and Online 12-13 May 2025
This training is targeted to Pharmacovigilance professionals. The objective is to provide professional knowledge in this area.
This year, participants will also have the opportunity to send their questions in advance to the speakers!
It would be possible to attend one or two days, either remote or face-to-face (limited seats!). This year, you would be able to attend the face-to-face at the same price as for the remote event!
We will focus on: Latest news from EMA, PRAC, Management of PV activities, QPPV responsibilities and oversight, Artificial Intelligence in Pharmacovigilance, PV in post-marketing and clinical safety, Benefit-risk management in Pharmacovigilance, experiences from PV inspections, updates from CTIS, EVDAS and Signal Management, Integration of PV systems… and much more!
Course Objectives
This year, the 6th edition of the PV Training come with outstanding speakers with many years of experience in pharmacovigilance. They will help participants to improve their performance and knowledge in PV. The new training will focus on different areas both from the industry and the regulators’ perspective.
The attendees will have the opportunity to send their questions in advance to the speakers, therefore, they will leave the course with all the information and questions solved!
As in previous editions, this training provides a fantastic environment to both improve your skills in PV and to socialize with other PV colleagues. Don’t miss this networking opportunity.
Video of previous editions
Key topics
- QPPV day-to-day activities
- PV in global and local context
- PRAC (Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee)
- Safety Referrals
- RMPs
- Pharmacovigilance
- Business models and integration of PV systems
- Patient safety
- Pharmacovigilance with innovative, generics and biosimilar products
- aRMM meausures, Dear Health Care Professional communications
- News on EMA, EudraVigilance, XEVMPD, EVDAS, Signal Management, CTIS
- Experiences from inspections and audits of the MAH, PV local functions, service providers and partners
- Artificial Intelligence in Pharmacovigilance
- Your own input (please send questions in advance to the speakers!)
- Much more…
Confirmed speakers
Reasons to attend
- Improve your knowledge on Pharmacovigilance EU Regulations.
- Get real examples on how other experienced PV professionals organize and manage the activities in the PV department.
- In deep review of the QPPV function in a MAH. From theory to real life examples.
- Learn how other MAHs organize pharmacovigilance activities.
- Stay tuned with the last news from EMA. Understand the implications for MAHs.
- Get updated on EMA, Eudravigilance, EVWeb, XEVMPD, EVDAS, CTIS and PRAC.
- Get deep understanding about benefit risk evaluation.
- Understand aRMMs, DHCP communications and how to do them.
- Learn about PV inspections and audits.
- Understand what Artificial Intelligence would mean in Pharmacovigilance.
- Send your questions in advance to the speakers.
- Solve your doubts in the proper forum.
- Improve your PV operations and compliance.
- Get to know what you are doing properly and what you need to improve.
- Feel more confident in your pharmacovigilance day-to-day.
- Enlarge your PV network.
Who should attend
- Professionals from MAHs
- Senior Managers and Pharmacovigilance managers
- QPPVs and LSOs
- Pharmacovigilance Officers/Drug Safety Specialists
- Directors/CEOs of CROs
- Regulatory/Inspection/Audits departments
- Anyone working in areas affected by Pharmacovigilance operations
- Pharmaceutical industry specialists
- People aimed to get a background in Pharmacovigilance
2025 Course Location - Barcelona
This year, the 6th edition of the PV Training will be held in Barcelona.
Registration fees
Super early bird (up to 1st February)
Standard 2 days: 750€
Standard 1 day: 400€
Includes training and course material in digital format.
Participants that choose to attend the face-to-face option, will receive complementary refreshment breaks and lunches (limited seats!).
Online and interactive training sessions for the remote participants
Offers (non-cumulative, only the most beneficial one would apply):
Standard fee*: 1.200€ 2 days / 699€ 1 day.
Early Bird (Until 1st April): 15% discount on Standard fee
Reduced fee for SMEs: 10% discount on Standard fee
Register 2 individuals from the same company and receive a 20% discount from the standard fee.
Register 3 individuals from the same company and receive a 25% discount from the standard fee.
Please also consult our special fees for University students/unemployed (upon presentation of documentation): info at
*VAT not included.
Registration form
Please complete and send the form. If not possible please email your completed registration form to
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VI Edition Barcelona & Online 12-13 May 2025