Training services provided by PVpharm

1ÂŞ Jornadas de Farmacovigilancia Universidad de Granada

  • Post published:April 28, 2024

El Aula de Farmacovigilancia PVpharm y la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad de Granada, tienen el placer de invitarles a participar en las 1ÂŞ Jornadas de Farmacovigilancia Universidad de Granada, que se celebrará los prĂłximos dĂ­as 5 y 6 de junio (miĂ©rcoles y jueves) de 2024, a partir de las 16:00 horas hasta las 18:30 hora española. Se trata de unas jornadas presenciales, que tambiĂ©n se podrán seguir on-line, destinado a profesionales de la industria farmacĂ©utica y de oficina de farmacia, asĂ­ como estudiantes del Grado en Farmacia de las distintas Universidades Españolas y Latinoamericanas. Las jornadas tienen como…

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AulaFV UGR – Curso de IntroducciĂłn a la FV, 1ÂŞ Ed – GRABACIONES

  • Post published:April 28, 2024

El Aula de Farmacovigilancia PVpharm y la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad de Granada celebraron el curso de IntroducciĂłn a la Farmacovigilancia (1ÂŞ EdiciĂłn), durante los dĂ­as 19 y 20 de marzo (martes y miĂ©rcoles) de 2024. Las grabaciones del curso están disponibles, y se puede adquirir en este link: Grabaciones del Curso disponibles bajo subscripciĂłn Grabaciones del curso Powered by IXPERTISE Se trata de un curso on-line destinado a los estudiantes del Grado en Farmacia de las distintas Universidades Españolas y Latinoamericanas, asĂ­ como a los profesionales farmacĂ©uticos de oficina de farmacia y de la industria, que tiene…

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DIA Pharmacovigilance System Master File (PSMF) and Global PSMF virtual courses (16-17 and 18 April 2024)

  • Post published:April 7, 2024

JosĂ© Ortiz will be participating as a trainer together with Marcela Fialova and Zoe Hamill in the Pharmacovigilance System Master File (PSMF) and Global PSMF courses organized by DIA. The training will be delivered online from 9:00 to 13:00 (CEST) on April 17-18 and 19, 2024. These virtual live training courses covers essential concepts and guidance about the Pharmacovigilance System Master File (PSMF) and the PSMF from a global context. This key document describes the company’s pharmacovigilance system, supporting, and documenting its compliance with the requirements laid down in the EU legislation and is the first document requested by a…

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Isabella Palagiano to participate as speaker in the AEFI Safety in Clinical Trials Training

  • Post published:February 20, 2024

We are happy to announce that Isabella Palagiano will be participating as speaker in the AEFI Safety in Clinical trials Training. The training will take place on 29th February and 5th March and will be held online, please find more information about the training in the link below: During the 29th, Isabella will be talking about several topics related to ICSRs transmission to Eudravigilance, MHAR and FDA. **PVpharm is also organizing in-house training in pharmacovigilance for pharmaceutical companies and CROs, please contact us for further information.**

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AulaFV UGR – Curso de IntroducciĂłn a la Farmacovigilancia, 1ÂŞ EdiciĂłn

  • Post published:February 18, 2024

El Aula de Farmacovigilancia PVpharm y la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad de Granada tienen el placer de invitarles a participar en el curso de IntroducciĂłn a la Farmacovigilancia (1ÂŞ EdiciĂłn), que se celebrará los prĂłximos dĂ­as 19 y 20 de marzo (martes y miĂ©rcoles) de 2024, a partir de las 16:30 horas hasta las 18:30 horas. Se trata de un curso on-line destinado a los estudiantes del Grado en Farmacia de las distintas Universidades Españolas y Latinoamericanas, asĂ­ como a los profesionales farmacĂ©uticos de oficina de farmacia y de la industria, que tiene como objetivo proporcionar los conocimientos,…

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DIA Pharmacovigilance QMS virtual course (27 February-1 March 2024)

  • Post published:January 27, 2024

JosĂ© Ortiz will be participating as a trainer together with Wendy Huisman in the Pharmacovigilance Quality Management System course organized by DIA. The training will be delivered online from 9:00 AM to 13:30 PM (CET) between the 27th of February and the 1st March, 2024. The course will employ a mix of informative sessions, real case studies, and hands-on interactive exercises where attendees will be able to apply what they have learned. Learners will leave the course with an understanding of how elements of the Pharmacovigilance and Quality Management Systems fit together to achieve regulatory compliance. Course Highlights Quality and…

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Online EVWeb training 29 January-2 February 2024

  • Post published:January 26, 2024

JosĂ© Ortiz, CEO of PVpharm will be participating as a trainer, in the next EVWeb training on 29 Janyary 2 February 2024. The training will be delivered online in the morning time (9:00-13:30 CET). The training is targeted to: -Users who have to report and analyse suspected adverse reactions in the pre- and post-authorisation phase using the ISO/ICH E2B(R3) ICSR format-Users of EudraVigilance – new users and users already trained on working with EudraVigilance-Professionals performing electronic transmission of ICSRs, who operate as Gateway traders or as WebTrader (i.e., who use EVWEB or EV Post)-Sponsors of Clinical Trials-National Competent Authorities or…

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